i wish you read this....

hey syazwani 'aqilah. this entry is for you :)

remember we did this almost everyday? acting like our eyes can take photos with those weird faces? remember huh? bila ingat balik mungkin rasa macam "why i'm doing that such thing?" but who cares right? being childish with you always makes me happy. i hope you will never forget what we have been through together, memories that we create everyday, new words that you and ila create almost everyday. your jokes, your laugh, your sadness, your 'cute' dimples, your weird faces, your 'nyenyenye', your ban ubi will always be on my mind. thanks for being a good friend and please forgive me if im doing wrong to you. and i'm sorry i can't give you something for you to always remember me but in syaa Allah my d'ua will always accompany you. kawan dunia akhirat, boleh? :) 
i love you and will always love you. 

Farah Najwa

1 comment:

SyazwaniAqilah said...

najwa. saya banyak kali dah bace post ni. setiap kali bace mesti terharu *crying* rindu. :(